Friday, March 29, 2013

Lunch Run With Mom

Okay, okay - so when I say "Lunch Run With Mom" as my title of this post, I mean, we left the house at the same time. 

With the Capitol 10K race coming up in Austin on April 7, my mom knows she needs to get her butt in gear! 

12:30 came along and it was time for my lunch run. Since she is a teacher and has today off for Good Friday, she's home and wanted to come with. I said sure and we set off. But not before I realized one of my ear cushions fell off of my headphones! SO mad! Those were some of my favorite headphones and now I can't wear them. I guess I'll go buy new ones tomorrow. 

My mom told me beforehand that I didn't have to run at her pace and could run off with out her. I obliged and took off. After 1.5 miles I took a small walking break to see if she would catch up. No such luck, so I kept going on without her. We crossed paths at mile 2 where she notified me that she was about to pee her pants (Oh, the joys of being old and bearing children). I yelled back "It's all JUST went!" and kept running on. 

Around mile 3 after I turned back to head home, I see her riding her bike towards me?? Yes, she stopped at the house after mile 2, went pee, and got the bike. When we crossed paths, I believe my exact words were "You're such a wuss...there is no bike riding in the Capitol 10K...get off and gimme that!" She put up a fight but I forced her off and I rode the bike instead...alongside her the rest of the way, yelling like a freaking drill sergeant! That's what she gets for thinking she could get away with bike riding...not in my house! When you say you want to run with me, you're going to run (or at least fast walk). 

Don't I sound like a joy to run with? I think I should get Best Coaching Daughter of the Year award. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend! 

3/29/2013: Miles run - 235.5 of 1000. Miles remaining - 764.5 of 1000


  1. Hi Kelsie. This is my first time to your blog which I found via Maureen's blog. Just wanted to say good luck with the 1000 miles! :)

    Also, this post was pretty funny, especially as I tried to imagine it happening in my head! Haha, brilliant!
