Friday, March 22, 2013

Pittsburgh Half Marathon

Yippee for Friday! 

A few days ago, still in my post-half marathon high, I thought, "Heck, I loved it so much, why not do another one?" Recently, my boyfriend's sister (who ran a full marathon while 2 months pregnant!) had mentioned the upcoming Pittsburgh Marathon. I checked it out but it was already sold out! So sad. 

Being the resourceful person that I am, I checked out Craigslist. Turns out, there were people on there trying to transfer their registrations over for various reasons of why they couldn't participate in the race. I shot off a few inquiring emails and luckily heard back from a lady who was gracious enough to transfer her registration to me.

So needless to say, I'm now signed up for my 2nd half marathon in Pittsburgh on May 5th (less than 6 weeks away)! Jon warned me that it's probably going to be a little hilly, so I need to start training on more of an incline this time. I hope by then the weather will be a tad warmer as well, because it's currently 27 degrees here.

So many bridges here! (Source)

Since last Saturday, I had only ran 2 miles this week. That needed to change and it did last night. Jon and I went to the gym and I knocked out 6 miles on the treadmill (since it was still snowing outside and all). It was actually pretty difficult. I thought it might be easy since I've had a good amount of rest in the past 5 days, but it was a rough one. I honestly hate running more than 3 or 4 miles on a treadmill. I get so bored! 

I was going to write up a nice little treadmill workout to share with you guys but there was no method to my madness as I ended up changing the speed every 2 or 3 minutes to keep it somewhat entertaining. I ran the 1st mile at 6.5mph, the 2nd at 6.0mph, 3rd at 7mph, and then it just went crazy and inconsistent from there. I mixed in slow jogging with sprinting, some incline fast walking with easy was just a whole mess of a run that I would be crazy to try and keep track of and write down. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

3/22/2013: Miles run - 211.5 of 1000. Miles remaining - 788.5 of 1000


  1. Whoooo hooooo!! Watch out, you're going to get addicted!!

    I hate the treadmill with a fiery passion. I even tried to run on my sisters (with full access to an Ipad to watch Netflix, Hulu, read blogs, etc) and I didn't even make it a mile. I think I am allergic.

    After my 2 miles on Sunday, I haven't run a single mile this week!!! The weather finally let me bike to work and back on Thursday, so I got a good 20 miles in that way, but my legs are itching for a run!

    1. yeah, i can feel the addiction starting!!! ya the TV's on treadmills never help me's so annoying!

      that's awesome you can bike to work...jealous!
