Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Joint Pain Update

Just a quick update post today!

Back in January, I blogged about having some knee pain during my runs, which I thought was a little odd for a youngin' like me (ahhh I'll be 25 in 2 weeks from today...nooooo!). I researched a bit and started taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin. At first, I was taking an entire pill every day and it was causing my stomach to become a bit upset. So I cut back and starting cutting the pills in half and taking half a pill daily, which helped tremendously with the stomach issues. 

It took a few weeks, but I have definitely noticed a big difference in my joint pain. My knees no longer hurt during runs (even on the tough pavement) and they're pain-free after my 3-6 mile runs. Anything longer than 6 miles, a little joint discomfort is natural and normal for me.  But overall I'm very glad I started taken the supplements so that I can continue with my goal and keep on running! I highly recommend them if you're like me and have some general discomfort in your knees during your workouts. 

Today is my rest day since I'm traveling to Pittsburgh this evening. Tomorrow will be an easy 3 miles, followed by another rest day on Friday before the DC Half Marathon on Saturday. The forecast says it's supposed to be a low of 36 and a high of 64 (my kind of temps) but with a 40% chance of rain...bummer! I do NOT want to run in the rain, but I will if I must. I'm starting my "non-rain" dance now. 

3/13/2013: Miles run - 187 of 1000. Miles remaining - 813 of 1000


  1. Oh man, that rain came out of nowhere! I thought it was going to be like 40 and sunny for the race. I'll add my non-rain dance, too and cross my fingers and toes for good measure!

    Maybe we'll see each other out there - probably as you pass me! =)

    So glad to hear that your joints are feeling better!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I have been wondering what to do about my joint pain. I just started training for my first half marathon (I'm also 25). I was thinking about using collagen, but I hadn't heard that glucosamine helped. I will have to check that out!

    1. yes definitely! It'll be a few weeks before you notice a difference, but keep on taken them!
