Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Liebster Awards

My new blogger buddy, Logan over at Mountains and Miles (who I wanted to meet up with at the DC Half but failed to coordinate a good meet up spot), nominated me for a Liebster Award!  

What is a Liebster Award, you ask?

Stolen from Deb @ Deb Runs:

The Liebster Award is for any up and coming blogs that you enjoy reading and a great way to promote them!
  • This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.
  • Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
  • Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post. 
Eleven Random Facts About Me:

1. My favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber
2. I have lived in the same house since I was 2 (well my parents have)
3. I really want to become a vegetarian but I'm not sure if I have the willpower to do so for a long period of time
4. I have driven a truck for the past 6 years
5. If I had to pick how I wanted to die, it'd be in a plane crash...morbid, I know. Can't explain it, but it just seems like it'd be like a fun roller-coaster during my last few minutes. 
6. I'm 1/4 Hispanic...blonde hair and all
7. I took piano lessons for 10+ years
8. I only chew half pieces of gum at a time. Full pieces are too much
9. I was in the Drumline in High School
10. I went to the same High School as my parents - who met there and were high school sweet hearts
11. I would eat Fro-Yo every day if I could. 

Logan's Questions to me:
  1. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? I grew up always wanting to be a veterinarian. My passion for animals hasn't changed, but my lack of desire for 8+ years of school and countless vet school bills altered my decision. 
  2. Do you have a bucket list?  If so, what are some of the things on it?  I have a mental bucket list. I've never written one out. But some things I can think of off the top of my head: Run a full marathon, go to Greece, Australia, and Jamaica, sky dive, bungee jump, swim with dolphins...that's all I can think of at the moment, but anything that's exciting and new can be considered a part of my bucket list. 
  3. Favorite book (right now or ever)? – Currently, I love Fit For Life, The Self-Health Revolution, and The Happiness Project. My favorite of all time is probably The Diary of Anne Frank. 
  4. What is your favorite place you have ever traveled to? I haven't been too many places (yet), but Japan was a great experience! Hawaii and Cancun never fails. And San Diego was really cool. 
  5. What would your dream trip be? Greece! 
  6. What is your favorite distance to run? Let's go with 4 miles. It's long enough to get in a great workout, but not too long where you're dead the rest of the day. 
  7. What race (location, distance, theme) do you really want to do in the future? I would love to do a race in another country. I'm not sure if races are even in big in other countries, but if they are...sign me up! A race along the Australian coast sounds amazing...any distance, but the longer the better!
  8. What is your favorite season and why? My favorite season (in Texas) is Spring. The weather is perfect and it's my birthday! 
  9. What is your favorite snack? Hummus and veggies/crackers
  10. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I seriously love Texas and Austin, but if I had to pick somewhere else to live, I'd love to go back to Denver. I've already lived there...does that count? Jon is trying to convince me on Florida, but I have yet to visit there other than Disney. 
  11. Sweet or salty? Salty all day
Who I nominate!

Here are some of my favorites bloggers to pass the award on to (Sorry - I'm not sure on their # of followers):

Think I like Running Blogs, much??

My Questions to my nominees:
  1. What's your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?
  2. How many countries have you been to?
  3. Where were you born?
  4. Most embarrassing story about you?
  5. What is your favorite candy?
  6. Favorite workout other than running?
  7. Favorite clothing store?
  8. Have you ever met anyone famous?
  9. Favorite brand of workout gear and why?
  10. How long have you had your blog and what made you start it?
  11. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
If I nominated you, now it's your turn to pass it on!  

3/19/2013: Miles run - 205.5 of 1000. Miles remaining - 794.5 of 1000


  1. Um, I would move back to Denver in a heartbeat, too!! I would also eat fro-yo every day. So we should move there, be friends, and eat fro-yo. Sounds like a perfect plan. You should check out some of DC Rainmaker's posts, he does a lot of gear review, but he is also about to run the Paris Marathon - I hear it's a great one to run abroad - and the Munich Marathon.

    I've been meaning to read The Happiness Project for a while, maybe I'll have to add it to my list next. Also, my mom had those same thoughts about Vet School. She also didn't want to take the GRE, so she ended up going to grad school in the only veterinary science field that didn't require it and she pioneered the field of Veterinary Echo-cardiology (she basically mapped out what animal hearts looked like healthy and unhealthy under an ultrasound). She still gets to work with animals (crazy kinds of animals, too...birds, llamas, she did a wild jaguar once!) all day and she travels all over the world to give lectures about what she does (that's how I ended up in Brazil - I tagged along on a work trip).

    You should come back to DC in the Fall and run the Marine Corps Marathon!! I am signing up for it as my first marathon - registration is next Wednesday at noon. It's supposed to be an incredible race. Last year it sold out in 2.5 hours.

    1. Denver and Fro-Yo sounds like a plan to me! and Wow, the Paris marathon would be so unbelievable! Added to bucket list...

      Your mom's job sounds awesome. Jealous...

      I'll have to check out the Marine Corps Marathon. I'm envious you are doing a day!

  2. I know you're the one who nominated me, but I gave you a shout out on my Liebster Award post! Thank you! :)
