Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Insanity Fit Test #4

Today marks day 53 of me becoming insane. Yes, I'm almost done with Insanity Month #2! 

I completed the 4th Fit Test this morning and was extremely happy with my results. 

I didn't feel like my strength/cardio had changed too much in the past 2 weeks (nothing compared to how I felt after the first 2-3 weeks)...but I'll take what I can get and let the numbers speak for themselves. 

As I've mentioned in past Fit Test posts, you get 60 seconds to do as many reps of each workout as possible, with about a minute break in between. 

Here is a preview of each workout:

Below are my results from today: 

I never thought of myself as a super-competitive person, at least not with other people. But as I've been moving through the program and completing these Fit Tests, I've discovered that I am seriously competitive within myself. I'm so motivated to beat the last test's numbers and find myself pushing as hard as I can to get there. 

I have one week left of the program and part of me CAN'T WAIT (Shaun T is getting on my last nerve), but I know the other part of me will be miss it. 

I'm really wanting to run again, but I'm willing to wait until the summer is over. 

As for the other part of my July goal, I'm still aiming to hit my daily water intake to the best of my ability. I'll recap those numbers at the end of the month. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Insanity Fit Test #3

Happy Wednesday! 

This is my 6th week of attempting the Insanity program. 

Every few weeks, the program encourages you to take their Fit Test to track your progress.

I completed Fit Test 1 on my first day, June 2nd. Fit Test 2 was completed 14 days later. I made some progress during those first two weeks, but after completing Fit Test 3 this morning, I noticed even more results. 

At the end of Month 1, the program has a "Recovery Week" where you are still doing videos, but the focus is on less impact and more core/balance work. The key here is to rest your body and prep it for Month 2, because let's be honest, Month 2 is psycho. 

Month 2 began last week, so it was time for Fit Test 3 today. 

You get 60 seconds to do as many reps as possible, with about a minute water break in between each workout. 

Here is a preview of what each exercise looks like:

Below are my results:

I was extremely happy with how things went this morning. I'm basically Tanya now. 

For those of you who haven't checked out Insanity before and don't know who Tanya is, she's referred to as "The Machine" and is super intense...Shaun T loves her, everyone else hates her. She's the one who makes you feel like you're slacking during the workout, even though you can't breathe and are about to pass out. 

She's extremely motivating, but super annoying. Her Fit Test numbers are through the roof, so it's awesome when my numbers get close to hers. Anyways, I digress. 

Fit Test 3 was on point and I can feel myself getting stronger and my cardio on par. Fit Test 4 is in two weeks, so I'll be sure to update again! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July's Goal - Week 1 Check-in

Week one check-in of July's goal is here! 

I challenged myself to drink 2/3 of my weight in water each day for the entire month. That's around 90-95 ounces daily. 

I've been using the Daily Water app on my iPhone to log my consumption and track my progress.

So far, I've been mostly on point. 

According to the app, each glass is 8 ounces. 

Being the first day of my goal, I was gung-ho on Wednesday and drank 120 ounces. I hit 96 on Thursday, but fell a little short on July 4th. Mostly because I was consuming tequila and wine instead, but still managed to hit close to 60 ounces. I've been picking up the slack and have done my best to get back on track this week. 

It's definitely a bit harder than I originally thought, but still extremely doable. If anything, it's making me more conscious of drinking water throughout the day...and all the peeing has me getting up from my desk every hour or so, which I figure is a good thing! 

Oh, and the other part of my goal? Continuing on with Insanity Month #2...

I only have one workout from Month 2 on my current DVD. I'm waiting for my friend to send the rest this week, but that one workout I do have is KILLER! 60 minutes of Max Interval Circuit...yikes. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Insanity Recap and July's Gooooooooooallllll

Like my title? I figured with the USA soccer game today, it would be a good fit :) 

Now that June is over, it's time for my monthly recap! As most of you know, June's goal was 30 days of Insanity. I have attempted Insanity a few times before, but never moved past week two. 

This time, I was determined. I'm proud to say I finished the 30 day challenge...AND I'm going to continue on throughout July to finish the full 60 day program.

Before and After...I see you abs! 

A little less of a pooch...

Not a tremendous difference in my arms, but Insanity only uses body weight, so no additional weights are incorporated. I think the more noticeable change in this picture is my side area. 

I feel so much stronger and leaner. I decided not to weigh myself before and after. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so I'm not too sure how much the scale would have budged. I didn't decide to do Insanity for weight loss; I wanted to tone. Strong is the new skinny! 

So I have 30 more days to go...

But that's only part of my July goal. The other half is the water challenge. Since our bodies are made up of around 60ish% of water, I will be aiming to drink 2/3's of my weight in water per day. That's around 90-95 ounces (you can do the math), or close to 3 of these things...

Writing goal times on a water bottle is a good way to stay on track throughout the day. 

I also downloaded a handy little app on my iPhone to help keep up with my intake. It's called "Daily Water" (creative). 

You can set your own goals and check off glasses as you drink. 

There is also a reminder option to notify you when it's time to drink up. 

The rules are: only water, sparkling water, and brewed tea will count towards my daily goal. Other beverages like milk, soda, juice, coffee, alcohol, etc. do not count. 

This will definitely be me during the entire month of July...