Monday, April 1, 2013

Month 3 Recap

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! 

Today marks the end of my 3rd month in working towards my goal of running 1000 miles by the end of this year! 

See recap below:

I completed 89 miles this month compared to 76 in February and 80 in January. I'm going to go ahead and contribute this to March having more days in the month and completing my first half marathon in DC. 

Last month, my average pace was a 9:59 min/mile. In February, I said my goal for March would be a 9:45 min/mile. This month, my average pace came out to a 9:21 min/mile, so I definitely blew that out of the park! For April, I'm shooting for an average pace of 9:15 min/mile. 

In January, my longest distance run was 6 miles. In February I went for 7. This month I completed 9.5, 10.5, and 13.5 runs! Who knows what April will hold. 15 miles at once? Scary. 

I have the Capitol 10K race coming up this next Sunday the 6th, a Woof Run 5K (for the doggies) on April 14th, and my 2nd half marathon in Pittsburgh on May 5th. No stopping now! 

I am officially a quarter of the way thru the year and only 5 miles short of being a quarter of the way done with my 1000 miles...easy to catch up on that! 

Thanks for the support! 

4/1/2013: Miles run - 245 of 1000. Miles remaining - 755 of 1000 


  1. Whoooo hoooo!!! Now that you are regularly running those higher distances, it will be much easier for you to make (and beat) your goals...especially with all these races you have planned!!! Good job on speeding it up!! Just remember, not every run should be all out because your legs need easy runs for recovery, too.

    Can't wait to see what you decide to run after Philly, ha. Find a Marine Corps entry and come run a full with meeeee!!

    1. Thanks!!! Oh, I wish! That'd be SO AWESOME!! I really want to trail a trail race too after reading about yours.

    2. You should come out in June for the North Face Endurance Challenge series!

  2. Hey, I just stumbled onto your blog... I'm going for 1,200 miles this year; have 348 to date. And I'm also running the Pittsburgh Half-Marathon, my third! (I started running last June, and did one half in November and another in February).
    Good luck and happy running!

    1. That's awesome! Thanks for reading and Good Luck in the Pitt Half!
