Thursday, March 21, 2013

Compression Socks

After being surrounded by over 20,000 runners on Saturday, I saw quite the assortment of running gear (and costumes) during the race. There was a lot of cute stuff! But I especially started to notice all of the different types of socks people were wearing. I recently purchased my first pair of running socks to wear for the half marathon (Thorlo Pad brand), but they were just your typical ankle-style socks with a little more padding on the bottom. 

On Saturday, I saw many knee-high style socks, otherwise known as compression socks in the running world (no, the 80s are not coming back). Many of them were even St. Paddy's day themed, naturally. I have heard of these socks before, but I didn't know much about them...until I decided to go on a Googling spree today to find out a bit more.  What are they? And even more importantly, do they work? Because if so, I gotta get me some!

I don't know who this girl is, but she looks pretty intense. 

Some benefits of wearing compression socks:
- Stimulates blood flow, which helps your legs recover faster from a hard run
- Provides reinforcement for tender tendons (say that 10 times fast)
- Warms your legs up faster
- Minimizes muscle fatigue since muscles are kept more compact and balanced
- Protects your legs from small scratches and abrasions if running outside on a trail 
- Limits swelling

Apparently they come in all different sizes, so it's important to measure your calves for proper fit.  Too tight and they're uncomfortable and impossible to put on.  Too loose and they don't provide enough compression and slide down your leg during your run.

There are many different styles and brands out there and I'm sure just like everything, you get what you pay for. Prices range anywhere from $20-$60. Talk about a good way to quickly break the bank! I'll stick with $20 ones for now. $60 for one pair of socks!? I could get about 4 cute outfits from Target for that price. 

According to Runner's World"Until recently, there wasn't much scientific evidence to justify wearing compression socks. But a 2009 German study clearly indicates that they enhance performance during hard runs. And research done in South Africa and New Zealand shows that knee-highs also improve recovery by boosting blood flow in the extremities. Yet they still aren't for everyone. Earlier this year a German study conducted on uber-fit athletes reported no performance payoffs from compression. According to the study, the socks work better when they're squeezing more performance out of non-elites."
So if this quote is accurate, and since I'm for sure part of the "non-elites," I guess a good pair of compression socks might do me some good! here I come.

3/21/2013: Miles run - 205.5 of 1000. Miles remaining - 794.5 of 1000


  1. Very interesting! I didn't think elbow/knee sleeves would help with weightlifting but not only do they help me to get the blood flowing in those areas but I have had less joint pain.

    I'd buy a pair of expensive socks if I was a runner!

  2. I wear compression sleeves after hard workouts and when my calves are generally feeling sore. I sleep in them a lot. I 100% believe it helps. My calves are chronically sore and as soon as I started using them I noticed a remarkable difference. I don't usually run in them, though, because I've found that I end up feeling too restricted. I actually just bought two pairs of compression socks and a new pair of sleeves from Pro Compression yesterday with their 40% off sale (coupon code: MARCH). I hear they are all the rave, so I am excited to try them!! Since I have ginormous calves, I had to order the L/XL (ha).

    1. good to know! i'll definitely check out their sale - thanks :)

  3. I only wear them after I get back home to help with recovery - I haven't been able to bring myself to wear them in public yet! And the girl in your pick is Shalane Flanagan, she's a US Olympic Marathoner :)

    1. haha yeah i don't know if i could wear them in public either...but it doesn't seem to bother most people at races. i'll have to try them out first :)

  4. I love compression socks! I even wore mine to the grocery store a couple weeks ago :)

    Pro Compression is actually having a sale on their website. You should check it out. 40% off and free shipping. (Nope don't work for them, I'm just a big fan!)

    Love your goal of 1,000 miles this year! Keep it up!

    1. thanks! i'm definitely going to check it out :)

    2. Compression socks are quite trendy nowadays with runners, triathletes and even with travelers. They come in various brands, sizes and colors. As for me, I used it before, during and sometimes even after a race. It is highly effective against swelling and somehow it is quite fashionable. :) I don't buy on Amazon though I also buy online on Legs Therapy since they have various choices of compression and running socks.

      Are you really planning to buy some, I highly recommend Jobst and CEP brands. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I feel comfortable when using compression socks.But i have not many money so that you can send me information about compression socks cheaper?
