Monday, March 25, 2013

Foam Rollin'

So I'm not super new to the running world, but I guess I would consider myself somewhat new to the "runner accessory" world. In college, all I thought I needed were some good shoes and shorts, a sports bra, and my iPod and I was good to go for a run. Now I'm learning about all of these new things to help with long distance running. Compression socks were a new one for me, but now I've recently learned about a handy tool they call the foam roller. 

Looks pretty simple huh? Looks like an ultra large rolling pin to me. Well, I started researching what this device was all about and came across some pretty great benefits! The foam roller can be used as a warm-up pre-run or a cool-down post-run. 

1. Improves circulation and blood flow - this is great for warming up before a run or helping with recovery afterwards
2. Preps the muscles for stretching by breaking down knots in your body that limit your range of motion
3. Releases muscle tightness that can prohibit proper running form
4. Boosts flexibility and relieves soreness
5. Kneads knotty and tender areas to promote long and smooth muscles, which are more injury resistant and are much more mobile than short, knotty muscles
6. Improves spine alignment

Who knew a log-shaped piece of foam could be so beneficial?! 

It can be a great lower AND upper body workout. Check out the videos Peanut Butter Runner posted a while back. They're really great tutorials on how to get the most out of your roller and how to really reach the muscles most affected by running. 

Lower Body

Upper Body

Prices can range from $10-$40 depending on brand, durability, and density levels. You can get them online, at a sporting goods store, or my favorite place in the world, Target. They're probably lying around your gym as well if you want to try one out first before making a purchase. 

I think I should start receiving some kind of frequent shopper discount or something from soon. 

Stay tuned for a review after I try one of these bad boys out! 

3/25/2013: Miles run - 227.5 of 1000. Miles remaining - 772.5 of 1000


  1. I can assure you I never look that graceful when I foam roll. The most recent race I did had foam roller stations at the end - it was the best idea EVER!! Since it was a hillier run, my quads and hips were killing me and it felt so good to roll out after that before taking the long drive home!

    1. haha yeah we'll have to see how my balancing skills are. looks tough!
