Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hop On, Hop Off Treadmill Workout

This morning I wanted to mix it up a bit in my apartment gym. I've done quite a bit with weights the past two mornings, so I felt the need to rest certain muscles today. Some cardio was in order, but I typically get a bit bored on the treadmill. I decided to incorporate a few strength training moves after every 3 minutes on the 'mill.

I took a little inspiration from Julie, over at the Peanut Butter Fingers blog, and created my own Hop On, Hop Off Treadmill workout using some of the same moves she incorporated in her 30 Minute Living Room Workout

I set up a little station (a mat and medicine ball) next to one of the two treadmills in our gym and got to work.

If you do not have access to a treadmill or there isn't enough space in your gym to have your own little area for these moves, you can always do the walk/run/walk portion outside and stop anywhere to complete the 5 sets. If people stare, just smile. 

No equipment is required for this, but I did use a 6lb medicine ball for most of the ab moves and squats. 

Here are some links to certain moves, in case you aren't familiar with a few:

This took me about 30 or so minutes to complete. 

After I was finished, I stayed on the treadmill for 10 more minutes, alternating a 1 minute 3.5mph incline walk and a 1 minute 6.0mph flat run. I left sweaty and properly satisfied my craving for a non-boring cardio morning. 

Happy almost Friday! 


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