Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Week of Rest

I know I've been MIA for about a week. There's a few reasons why...

First off, I thought my knee was better after I tried out my new shoes, but turns out, I was wrong and it was still bothering me. So I've taken a week off from running, hoping to get back to it this afternoon. I figured, if I'm not running, there isn't much I can write about. 

Secondly, Jon was here this past weekend, so I wanted to focus on spending as much time with him as possible during his short trip. We did attend a few of my Aunt Tamie's classes at the gym on Friday and went canoeing on Saturday on Town Lake. I have been extremely sore for the past few days (that's actually an understatement...I really couldn't move). So that was another reason why I took off from running and blogging. Not much to write about when you spend the majority of your time resting.

A family affair - Jon, me, my cousin Breann, Aunt Tamie, and Uncle Kirk - post 3 classes

Thirdly, there is a cougar running around our neighborhood. That's right, a cougar (the animal...not a middle-aged woman). Our neighbor lady saw it her driveway last night. I'm not sure if they come out during the day, but I'm not about to find out! Treadmill for, it's getting warmer out. 

Finally, Boston. I planned on writing a weekend recap on Monday, but it just didn't feel right. Even yesterday, I couldn't do it. I'm still in disgust and it's hard for me to write about my normal life when chaos and despair are happening in other's. I don't want it to come off as if letting a few days pass makes my feelings any different, but maybe writing about it will help me.

My thoughts and prayers go out to my fellow runners. Jon's sister ran Boston 2 years ago and I follow many bloggers who were in it this year. It breaks my heart knowing that such a heartfelt event could be overshadowed by someone so heartless

This has made me a little nervous about running my next race in Pittsburgh on May 5th, but we can't let "them" win. Jon may join me for it so that I feel a bit safer. I'm sure the race organizers will be very prepared and ultra cautious, but I can't help but have that vulnerable feeling. It's going to take a while for me to get over this fear, but I will. 

I'm off to see how the knee holds up with a quick treadmill run. 

4/17/2013: Miles run - 271 of 1000. Miles remaining - 729 of 1000


  1. I'm not sure how serious your knee injury is, but I recently suffered from hip bursitis and I found that INTENSE stretching and taking Advil before I run helps a lot. I also only run every other day to help reduce another injury. I hope it gets better!

    1. aw thank you! i will definitely try that out! i recently got my first foam roller, so hopefully that will help as well. :) thanks for the advice!
