Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New Weather, New Wardrobe

Today is 55 and rainy outside. Just like everyone else, I would love to be cuddled up on the couch with a good movie and a cafe mocha (pumpkin spice lattes aren't really my thing). But unfortunately, that's not the case. 

It's supposed to rain all day today and while I don't mind running in the rain when it's 80-90 degrees out, cold and rainy is pretty miserable and not my favorite running environment. 

The change in weather is definitely going to alter where I run, when I run, and what I wear. It's been raining for the past 3-4 days and it actually flooded this weekend in certain areas by the trail I usually stick to. So instead, I've been logging miles in and around my neighborhood. It's a little tougher to weave in and out of streets multiple times to make 6-7 miles work, but I'd rather do that than run in the mud or dodge puddles left and right. 

Along with the climate change, the amount of daylight I'll have after work is about to change as well. In about 3 weeks it's going to get darker even earlier than it already is, which means I'm either going to have to start running in the morning (blah) or back to the treadmill I go. I don't like running alone at night. I could maybe pull off shorter runs during lunch but I don't see that happening all that often. It'll probably end up being a day by day decision depending on my mood. My daily running plan is usually a game time decision.

I always have a hard time figuring out what to wear when it gets cold out. When it's hot, it's easy - wear as little clothing as publicly appropriate (usually just shorts and a sports bra for me). When it's cold, I have a harder time deciding. Usually I start off on my run super cold, so I wear capris/pants, long sleeves, ear warmers, and gloves. A mile or two in, I'm immediately regretting that decision.  It's a catch 22 for me. Be cold at the beginning or be hot 2+ miles in? I know some people do layers and take pieces off as they go, but I don't want to hold those items or throw them on the ground, so I'm stuck. 

Runner's World posted a pretty neat "What to Wear" calculator. Just plug in your running conditions and BAM - running gear chosen for you...can I get this for my regular wardrobe please? Oh, and something that also makes my breakfast, cleans my apartment, and does my grocery shopping...thanks.

Here are the results after putting in today's conditions:

Side Note: I actually hate running in hats and refuse to do it.

I think that I may stick the treadmill this afternoon, in which case I'll just ignore this and wear my normal shorts and a tank. 

10/16/2013: Miles run - 754 of 1000. Miles remaining - 246 of 1000

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