Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let the Insanity Begin...Literally

Yesterday was my first run back at it after the Pittsburgh Half Marathon last Sunday. I was extremely sore afterwards and my knee was hating me. I went on a few walks with Jon last week but decided to take it easy. Plus, he got sick towards the end of the week so we weren't able to go to the gym, and I was just being downright lazy. 

I arrived home from Pittsburgh on Sunday night and welcomed getting back into my lunchtime workout routine. I set out for an easy 3 mile run throughout my neighborhood. I thought it'd be pretty tough since I had taken a week off, but it wasn't bad...just hot! I feel the Texas summer is upon us! I'll get a pretty good tan if I continue to run outside in the middle of the day. 
I saw this poor little fellow out on my run...guess the heat was too much for him too :( I told myself he was just sun-bathing. 

In non-running news, Jon gave me a copy of his Insanity DVDs. Now that I live at home, I can do these workouts in our nice, cool living room - AC and ceiling fan blazing - and not feel bad about jumping up and down like I would if I was still living in a 3rd floor apartment with whiny neighbors below me. 

Jon and I are going to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at the end of this month and my mom just found out that she's going to accompany my dad on a business trip to Hawaii in 2 weeks. We both decided now was as good of a time as any to start up the Insanity workout - time to get bathing suit ready! I know the Insanity program is 60 days, but hopefully we can get some results in 2 weeks. We completed the 25 minute Fitness Test yesterday. We both found that tough, so wish us luck in doing the full 60 minute workouts...starting today! 

5/14/2013: Miles run - 330 of 1000. Miles remaining - 670 of 1000

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