Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Insanity Recap and July's Gooooooooooallllll

Like my title? I figured with the USA soccer game today, it would be a good fit :) 

Now that June is over, it's time for my monthly recap! As most of you know, June's goal was 30 days of Insanity. I have attempted Insanity a few times before, but never moved past week two. 

This time, I was determined. I'm proud to say I finished the 30 day challenge...AND I'm going to continue on throughout July to finish the full 60 day program.

Before and After...I see you abs! 

A little less of a pooch...

Not a tremendous difference in my arms, but Insanity only uses body weight, so no additional weights are incorporated. I think the more noticeable change in this picture is my side area. 

I feel so much stronger and leaner. I decided not to weigh myself before and after. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so I'm not too sure how much the scale would have budged. I didn't decide to do Insanity for weight loss; I wanted to tone. Strong is the new skinny! 

So I have 30 more days to go...

But that's only part of my July goal. The other half is the water challenge. Since our bodies are made up of around 60ish% of water, I will be aiming to drink 2/3's of my weight in water per day. That's around 90-95 ounces (you can do the math), or close to 3 of these things...

Writing goal times on a water bottle is a good way to stay on track throughout the day. 

I also downloaded a handy little app on my iPhone to help keep up with my intake. It's called "Daily Water" (creative). 

You can set your own goals and check off glasses as you drink. 

There is also a reminder option to notify you when it's time to drink up. 

The rules are: only water, sparkling water, and brewed tea will count towards my daily goal. Other beverages like milk, soda, juice, coffee, alcohol, etc. do not count. 

This will definitely be me during the entire month of July...


  1. Damn girl. Talk about holy abs, batman!! I wish I lived in Austin and could do Insanity with you. Did you buy the DVDs or did you borrow them from someone or just find them online somewhere? They're expensive, but looks like they're worth it!

    Definitely going to be joining you on the water challenge. I could stand to drink much more water!

    1. I know! I need an Insanity buddy. I enjoy the workouts but they do get a little repetitive at times, so it'd be fun to have someone to them with. My ex-boyfriend gave me a burnt copy of Disc #1 (shhhhhh) and my friend Stacie is mailing me Disc #2 this week. How much is it? I don't even know haha
