Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Insanity Fit Test #3

Happy Wednesday! 

This is my 6th week of attempting the Insanity program. 

Every few weeks, the program encourages you to take their Fit Test to track your progress.

I completed Fit Test 1 on my first day, June 2nd. Fit Test 2 was completed 14 days later. I made some progress during those first two weeks, but after completing Fit Test 3 this morning, I noticed even more results. 

At the end of Month 1, the program has a "Recovery Week" where you are still doing videos, but the focus is on less impact and more core/balance work. The key here is to rest your body and prep it for Month 2, because let's be honest, Month 2 is psycho. 

Month 2 began last week, so it was time for Fit Test 3 today. 

You get 60 seconds to do as many reps as possible, with about a minute water break in between each workout. 

Here is a preview of what each exercise looks like:

Below are my results:

I was extremely happy with how things went this morning. I'm basically Tanya now. 

For those of you who haven't checked out Insanity before and don't know who Tanya is, she's referred to as "The Machine" and is super intense...Shaun T loves her, everyone else hates her. She's the one who makes you feel like you're slacking during the workout, even though you can't breathe and are about to pass out. 

She's extremely motivating, but super annoying. Her Fit Test numbers are through the roof, so it's awesome when my numbers get close to hers. Anyways, I digress. 

Fit Test 3 was on point and I can feel myself getting stronger and my cardio on par. Fit Test 4 is in two weeks, so I'll be sure to update again! 

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