Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May's Goal

Where is this year going? 

It's flying by, which means another monthly goal has come and gone and it's time for yet another one on my list.

April's goal of Insanity was put on hold about half-way through the month due to a foot injury. I'm finally 100% back to normal and have been incorporating more cardio into my daily routine. I'm so happy to get back into it. As much as I loved having an excuse to be lazy and go straight to my couch every day after work for 2 weeks, deep (deep) inside, I really wanted to go out for a run. 

While I originally planned for May to be month #2 of Insanity, I really have missed running and want to enjoy our last month of "Spring" and being outdoors while I can. So I've opted to save Insanity month #2 for June or July when it's unbearably hot outside and I can stay indoors to complete those workouts. 

Which leaves the big question (big for me at least)...what goal do I want to pursue for May? 

Yep - Vegetarian May. 

At least 90% Vegetarian. 

I'll be cutting out all animal meat (chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc.) and will not purposely drink milk, eat eggs, or consume cheese on it's own. 

HOWEVER, if I find myself with a piece of cake at my fingertips, I'm eating it. If a meal contains eggs, milk, honey, butter, etc. and is unavoidable to eat (i.e. a catered event, no other options, my lack of veggie education and knowledge), then there's a 50/50 chance it's going to wind up in my belly. But all animal flesh products will be off limits for the next 31 days. 

Wish me luck! I don't usually eat THAT much meat, but chicken does end up in my diet about 3-4 days a week. 

Here is an updated list of my monthly goals for 2014:

January – 30 days of Yoga and/or Pilates, Daily Meditation
February – Go Gluten Free 
March – Keep a Food Journal 
April – Do Insanity
May – Vegetarian
June – Do Insanity 
July – Water challenge (drink half my weight in ounces a day)
August – Alcohol Free
September – Paleo diet
October – No sweets or processed sugar
November – No eating out
December – Squat/Ab challenge


  1. Way to go Kelsie! I can't believe we're already in May! I wish you lived in Dallas because I would totally do Insanity with you! Love your goals. I might have to join you next month through the end of the year!

    1. I know!! It seems like most of my "fitness-minded" buddies all live elsewhere! I need a workout partner here haha but I guess we can still motivate and encourage each other online!
