Thursday, May 8, 2014

Vegetarian Check-In

Happy Friday Eve!

Today marks one week since I started my May goal of eating primarily vegetarian. So far, it hasn't been that difficult!

By opting to not buy meat products at the grocery store (money saver - cha-ching) and with all of the vegetarian options at restaurants these days (especially in Austin), I haven't struggled with this goal as of yet.  I haven't even been tempted with it. 

In my previous post, I did mention that I'd be aiming for 90% vegetarian, with absolutely no animal flesh products consumed. I have had a little bit of eggs and cheese, but not a lot. Even in my drunken stupor during this weekend's country concert extravaganza, I still managed to stick to veggie options from the food trucks (falafel gyros, anyone?). 

Here are some foods that have made up most of my diet for the past week:
- Homemade fruit and Matcha Green Tea smoothie for breakfast
- Sweet Potatoes
- Quinoa
- Black Beans
- Veggie Chipotle (more on that in a minute)
- Veggie Pizza
- Salad...lots of salad
- Hummus and carrots
- Almonds
- Artichoke Ravioli
- Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Apples 

I enjoy all of these foods so I feel like I can stick with this goal throughout the rest of the month. And who knows, maybe I'll convert full-time? Maybe. 

Side Note: The only thing I'm really upset about is my Chipotle addiction. I usually go there about once a week and get the Chicken Salad Bowl. I went there on Friday and got the salad with the grilled veggies and was NOT impressed. I don't like grilled onions or grilled peppers, so major disappointment there. Even if I left off the grilled veggies, I still don't think it's worth $6.50 for lettuce, black beans, and salsa (PLUS guac...yes, I know it's extra). This will be my Kryptonite. 

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