Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Insane Yet?

Today would have been the two-week mark for my April goal of doing Insanity. Everything was going great and I kept up with the schedule for 12 days! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do it for the past few days due to an injury.

It makes me very frustrated, angry, sad, annoyed, etc. that I haven't been able to workout due to something that is out of my control. 

I completed my 6th half marathon on Saturday and I believe that is what sparked the cause of my new injury. After the race, I felt fine and don't remember an exact point in time during the run where I may have injured my foot. The next day, I woke up and my body wasn't sore like usual - which was surprising. Instead, I felt like I had bruised the outer bone of my left foot. It wasn't extremely painful so I continued on with my Sunday and completed a few errands. By the end of the day, I was limping. 

I got up and went to work yesterday and did a little "self-diagnoses" thanks to Google (not always recommended, but I was curious if other people had experienced this after long runs). I came away with what I believe to be Peroneal Tendonitis

According to my "research"...

"The peroneal tendons run on the outside of the ankle just behind the bone called the fibula. The reality is that there is tendinosis, which means that there is enlargement and thickening with swelling of the tendon. This usually occurs in the setting of overuse, meaning a patient or athlete doing a repetitive activity which irritates inflames the tendon over long periods of time.​ People having peroneal tendinosis typically have either tried a new exercise or have markedly increased their activities. Characteristic activities include marathon running or others which require repetitive use of the ankle. ​As discussed above, improper training or rapid increases in training and poor shoewearshoe wear can lead to peroneal tendinosis."

So there you go - that describes my situation perfectly. Overuse and improper training (I hadn't ran in 3 weeks before Saturday). Thankfully, I don't believe it to be a severe case and it should hopefully heal on its own with some rest. If the pain continues, I will be going to see a doctor within the next few days, but I'm praying that staying off of it and taking some time off from leg exercises will do the trick (I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to seeing doctors...I do not like taking excessive medications just to mask the pain and not fix the real issue). However, I would be open to physical therapy. 

If my diagnosis is incorrect, this could very well be a stress fracture. But I'm not sure I'd be able to walk with that going on. There is no bruising or swelling, so I don't believe it to be the case. 

Hopefully this will subside soon so I can get back on track! 

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