Thursday, February 6, 2014

My First Juice Cleanse

On Monday I started my first juice cleanse!

I ordered it online from a place in Austin called Skinny Limits and picked it up on Sunday afternoon. I had never done one before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The cleanse lasts for 3 days and you drink 6 juices each day...a total of 18 juices. I drank one bottle every 2 hours throughout the day. It was a little pricey (about $150 total) but this is something that's been on my bucket list for a while, so I just decided to bite the bullet and do it. Skinny Limits is one of the more affordable options out there compared to a few others in the area. Of course, I also could have made my own juice for less, but this was super convenient and I knew that if I dropped a good amount of cash on it, I'd be more motivated to actually complete it. 

The first day was probably the hardest for me. At first, the taste of the juice was just alright; but as the days went on, I grew more accustomed to them and they became more delicious. 

Here's what was in each juice:

Pure & Simple (Drinks #1, #3, & #5): Kale, Cucumber, Spinach, Apple, Parsley, Celery, Lemon.
Balance (Drink #2): Kale, Cucumber, Spinach, Apple, Parsley, Celery, Lemon, Ginger.
Scorpion Lemonade (Drink #4): Lemons, Agave Nectar, Cayenne, Filtered Water.
Crescent Moon (Drink #6): Raw cashews, Vanilla Bean, Cinnamon, Agave Nectar, Filtered Water.

They made note to inform me that it's important to drink them in the stated order

The Pure & Simple and the Balance juices tasted almost identical to me. The only difference is that the Balance has added ginger (which didn't differentiate the taste at all for me). The Scorpion Lemonade was the hardest to take down because it had quite a bit of cayenne pepper in it. I ended up diluting it a bit with more water so it wouldn't be as tart and spicy. The Crescent Moon was hands down my absolute favorite! It was sweet and creamy, and I wanted more. It tasted almost like a milkshake and I demolished each one within a solid 3-5 minutes. 

Skinny Limits, as well as other juice-cleanse companies out there, recommend not eating during the allotted cleanse time. For me, this was tough. On the evening on Day 1 I had a handful of baby carrots because I had a craving to chew something. During Day 2, I went for a 4 mile run so I added a banana to my 5th drink of the day by blending it up in the blender with some ice. It changed the taste slightly, but I knew I needed some extra nutrients after my workout. I never once got a headache, felt extreme hunger or sickness, or got lethargic. Despite the fact that they recommend not eating during the 3 days, everyone should do what works best for them and gauge how they feel throughout the days.  

Even though weight-loss wasn't my main reason behind doing this cleanse, I ended up losing a total of 5lbs in the 3 days. I feel great, I have more energy, and I don't crave "crap" food. This cleanse is a great way to kick start a diet or get you back on track to clean eating.

If you don't feel like you can do a full 3 days, Skinny Limits has other cleanses available. I felt better even after just 1 day, so you could always do that if it works for you, your schedule, and your budget. There are also different flavors of juices you can pick from if you don't like a particular ingredient in the above juices (I knew I couldn't do a juice with beets, carrots, or wheatgrass...bleh)! If you don't live in the Austin area, they do deliver/ship anywhere in the US (for an additional fee).  

I highly recommend this cleanse. I already convinced my Uncle Alan to do it and he's picking up his pack of juices tomorrow! My mom is next on my convincing list :) 

Side Note: All juices are Gluten-Free, so I'm still in line with my February goal! 

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