Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Gluten-Free Check-In

I'm 12 days into Gluten-Free February! So far, I wouldn't say it's been extremely difficult, but it hasn't been overwhelmingly easy either. The hardest part has been to consciously be on my toes regarding my food choices for every meal...especially since this is 100% my choice and not something that is mandatory for my health (i.e. an allergy or Celiac disease). 

When I'm thinking about it and making a mindful effort to pick gluten-free options, it's pretty easy because there are a lot of alternatives out there. However, since it's not a full on habit yet, there have been times when it hasn't been top-of-mind and something slips. 

Like yesterday, I went to get some hot soup at the local Asian restaurant next door to my office. I made sure that my entree was 100% gluten-free, but didn't think twice about pouring a few drops of soy sauce into the soup (surprise, soy sauce contains gluten). Whoops! It's circumstances like that where I've slipped a bit. 

Another example...Girl Scout cookies. I'm so accustomed to treating myself to a few bites during this lovely time that is Girl-Scout-cookie-season, that it didn't once cross my mind that they of course have gluten in them. I realized it about 3 hours later. 

Other than those two occasions, I've been pretty solid throughout this goal. 

Side note: It's surprising how many vegetables can be ruined with bread crumbs...this makes me angry (this month). 

I have discovered that gluten-free pizza crust and gluten-free bread is for the birds! It's very tasteless and dry. I'd rather just not eat anything with "bread" instead of try and eat a gluten-free sandwich or pizza. Most people might just say, "HEY, eat a salad!" Which, typically I'd be 100% down for...but turns out, most salad dressings have gluten in them. Lovely. I guess I'll just stick to oil & vinegar. 

So far, I haven't noticed a change in how I feel, health-wise. And my weight hasn't changed much either. But I still have 16 days to we shall see! 

Happy Hump Day! 

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