Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reward For Completing My Goal

Happy Hump Day! I haven't run in the past 2 days and I'm feeling antsy. Yesterday I was traveling home from Pittsburgh from 5am until 5pm. Talk about a long day. I can't wait to go for a long run after work. It's much needed. Plus, I'm a tad behind in my mileage since I took the past two days off. 

After my Sunday Run From Hell (kind of kidding), it hit me that I had reached the first 100 mile marker in my 1000 mile goal! A very first important milestone, if I do say so myself. Now that I have only 900 more to go (easy, right?), it got me thinking about how I'd like to celebrate and reward myself at the end of this year. I didn't start this journey with a specific prize in mind at the end...I just felt like doing it, and that feeling hasn't changed. But once the thought popped into my head, I was intrigued

What can I buy myself? What can I eat? Where can I go on vacation? 

Honestly, I don't know the answer yet. I'm not extrinsically motivated for this specific goal, but I guess it couldn't hurt! I already feel as if I'm getting so much out of it, I don't know if I even NEED anything else. Along with becoming fit, having energy, and gaining a sense of accomplishment, I don't know if a new purse, a nice meal, or a trip to the beach would even come close to what I have and will continue to gain throughout the year (Ok, so the beach might help). 

Suggestions? What have you done in the past to reward yourself for completing a goal? 

02/13/2013: Miles run - 100 of 1000. Miles remaining - 900 of 1000 

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