Friday, September 19, 2014

Upcoming Races

Happy Friday!

Now that it's not 100+ degrees out, running season has official started back for me. I enjoy running just to run, but it's also fun to have some upcoming events in place to help motivate me on those days when I'm not feelin' it. 

Here are a few races I have coming up in the next few months. 

September 27 - ROC Race 5K Austin: I am SO excited for this. I joined a group of people on a team and while it's only a 5K, it includes some really fun obstacles very similar to the show Wipeout! I love that show, so I can't wait to try and attempt some of the same things, like the "Wrecking Ball," "Sweeper," and "Jump Balls." I just hope I don't hurt's my first obstacle race ever. 

November 16 - Rock 'n Roll Vegas Half Marathon: I've only been to Vegas twice and haven't been back in over 4 years, so I'm pumped to go back with my friend Kristen and do a race down the strip. We are staying at the Luxor, but it'll probably start off pretty calm since we have to run a few days after we arrive. Since it's a Rock 'n Roll race, there is always a headliner...and this year it is none other than SNOOOOOOOOP! I would never pay to go see him on my own, but the fact that he'll be performing at the race makes me oddly happy. The race starts at 4pm, so there will be plenty of time afterwards to get our "Vegas" on. 

November 27 - Turkey Trot 5 Miler: My first Turkey Trot ever! I've always wanted to do one but I usually prefer to be lazy the entire day of Thanksgiving. Not this year! My friend Deanna and I registered a few days ago and I'm hoping it'll start a new tradition. I need to brainstorm costume ideas. I definitely won't feel as guilty eating 8000 calories later in the day. 5 miles = unlimited calories, right? 

December 5 - Lights of Love 5K Austin: Deanna invited me to join her in this charity race for the Ronald McDonald House. It's Christmas themed and has beer at the end, so it didn't take much to convince me. 

January 25 - Austin 3M Half Marathon: I completed this race last year and hit my PR (thanks to the downhill nature of this course). I convinced a bunch of my friends to sign up for it with me this year, so it should be a good time! It's a first half marathon for a bunch of them, so I'm really excited to see how they like it...I've warned them that it's pretty addicting. 


June 14 - Rock 'n Roll Liverpool Half Marathon: Yes sirrrr! Liverpool, England. An international race has been on my bucket list for quite a while. After much thought and discussion, Kristen and I bit the bullet and registered for the race and bought our plane tickets. She's doing the full and I'll be doing the half. We are flying into Dublin first to give us a few days to rest, adjust to the time difference and explore a bit, then we will cross the pond over to England and run our little hearts out. We'll spend a few days there and then return to Dublin for a few more days to recoup and drink Guinness and Jameson, naturally.  I believe a few more girlfriends may join (but not run) so it'll be a fun girls trip! 

I'm sure a few others races may pop up in the Spring. I can't wait to get back into running shape and log some more miles. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend! 


  1. Wow, you are going to be busy! The ROC race looks incredible, I can't wait to see what you have to say about that. Good luck.

  2. The ROC race was fun! It was a little rainy, so it made things extra slippery, but we still had a great time :)
