Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Paleo - 2 Week Check-In

I know everyone is dyingggg to know...have I turned into a cave-woman yet? Not really. 

About two weeks ago, I set my September goal and have been attempting to follow an 80/20 Paleo diet. I would say it has turned out to be more like 70/30, but ratios were never really my thing.

I knew going into this goal that I had to be honest and realistic with myself. With it being football season, it can only mean one thing...consuming some adult beverages and eating some Not-So-Paleo meals more often than not. 

During the work week (AKA zero football times), my breakfasts and lunches are 99% Paleo (everything minus some salad dressings here and there). The trouble comes on the weekends and some evenings during the week when I'm actually a social human being. Eating Paleo at home is extremely easy, because I know what to buy and avoid at the grocery store. Dining out or eating at other people's houses on the weekends is a different story. 

I'm not sure if it's because I'm not 100% in it or what, but I really haven't noticed that big of a difference. For the most part, I have cut out certain foods like hummus, quinoa, rice, black beans, sugar, and most refined carbs like bread/pasta...but I don't really feel a change. I never considered the majority of the above foods "bad" in the first place (everything in moderation), so I haven't decided if I would benefit from going Paleo long-term. 

Maybe it's the 20-30% cheats that ruin any chance I have of progress or feelings of change? Thanks pizza. 

I definitely think this is one of the harder diet-related goals I've had this year. Gluten-free wasn't easy, but it gave me more options that Paleo. And Vegetarian was a breeze compared to both of those. 

Two weeks to go! 

In other news, the weather is amazing now and I'm back into my running-after-work routine. Two months until the Vegas Half Marathon!! I gotta break these bad boys in. 

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